Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Use Electric Bikes and Save Nature

Eco-Friendly Electric Bikes
Everyone wants to live in a healthy and pollution free environment. But the vehicles they we are using are not allowing us to lead the kind of life we wish for. All the vehicles that run on petrol, diesel or gas emit toxic waste into the atmosphere, thereby causing health hazard to all living organisms. No cause for despair, there is a good solution. Just make a small change – switch over to electric bike. Many companies have started manufacturing electric bikes. One of the popular ones is Dolomiti Electric Bikes.

Dolomiti Electric Bikes is giving you a wonderful opportunity to stay fit, while saving a lot of money for you. You do not have to spend on petrol or gas. You can reach your destination without spending a single penny.  Every day you have to wait for a long time to catch a bus and reach your office. With electric bike no more waiting for bus or private vehicle. You can hop on to it and ride.

Go for a test ride on Dolomiti Electric Bikes Store in Melbourne. It is very easy to handle.  You will not only feel free but also relaxed. Dolomiti Electric Bikes are available in a wide range of design and colour. 

Some of the benefits of using Electric Bikes are as follows:- 

Bicycle riding is the best way to stay fit, healthy and in good shape. Today everyone is health conscious. An electric ride will help in maintaining good shape and fighting excess fat.   In most of the electric bikes there is option – one can use pedals or need not if they chose to.  While doing exercise use of pedals helps in strengthening muscles and burning the excess fat. . You can use the electric option when riding your way to the office, so that you reach without getting exhausted.

If you are living in a hilly area, or you want to ride to a hilly area take your electric bike. It is very easy to ride;   you can ride on steep roads with full control. You can go up with or without pedaling. Normally you can ride at a speed of more than 20 mph on plain roads. With a full charged battery the bike can cover nearly 30 miles.

Moreover, you do not have to worry about licence or insurance. You can ride the bike without license. The Eco-friendly bike reduces you concern related to environment pollution.

Compared with conventional bikes Electric Bikes Melbourne is less priced.  Electric bikes are lighter than you think. In the market many varieties of electric bikes are available. The folding type bikes allow you to fold it and keep it in the shelf while not using. Plan to buy one as early as possible and contribute towards Eco-friendly initiatives. 


Author bio - Through this article I want to share the importance of using Eco-friendly vehicles. On a daily basis the atmosphere is getting polluted with the emission of carbon monoxide from different types of vehicles. Isn't time for us to switch over to Eco-friendly vehicles?


  1. Cool store & great friendly crew , I bought a 2013 Brompton and I dig it for the fold but also the performance thus far...Andrea ,Craig,Drew all seemed more than happy to help offer tips and good choices . electric bikes

  2. These electric bikes would be so much fun to cruise around on! So much much exercise do you lose if you ride one of these electric bikes? I wonder how much you have to pedal on these. I mean, when your legs are tired and you're going uphill, these electric bikes would come in handy for sure.
    Celine |

  3. This is an interesting blog that you have posted, you shares a lot of things are very informative for us. Thanks

  4. Great post i got lots of information from here. Thanks for sharing this post with us. If you are looking for electric bike in Australia then contact us.
